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GRATITUDE FRIDAY - Friday May 20 2022

Can I expose us ROYAL? Don't feel bad if you have done this before you are on a journey of learning and becoming you can change it. #HaveAGratefulHeart

Have you ever received money and you say "I wish it was more than that" or "Eyahh if only they can add", "Can I ask for more ", "Thank you God but..", "Maybe if I did it this way I would have got more." Have you ROYAL??

If you have let's shift from that mentality and ungrateful attitude it's a trap for you not to receive more. God loves a heart that appreciates and he loves it when you say THANK YOU.

When you say "God I am grateful for my sale, for my client or that referral" you are simple saying God I am responsible, you can entrust me with more, I am matured I can handle more money. Every blessing that comes your way is your test to another blessing don't fail the test be GRATEFUL TO GOD. #BeGrateful

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