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Ratie Shalom is a Born Again, Spirit Filled and God-fearing woman whose passion is in working for God by making impact in the lives of others.


She received her Salvation, got baptized both in Spirit and Water at the age of 17. Since then, her life has been all about pleasing God.

Ratie is an entrepreneur (CEO) currently establishing her businesses Laglories Creatives, Laglories Creatives Events, Home Of Royal Thrones as well as managing her daughter’s clothing brand Peniel Pinkies.

She is an Inspirational Speaker, An Inspiration For You Writer, Biblical Counsellor, and a Pastor of Fountain Insights Church. She is also a An Inspiration For You Podcast Host, On The Table Talk Host and a Founder of Women And Fountain (WAF) a women empowerment platform.

As a young woman who grew up in the ministry under the leadership of Great Men and Women of God Ratie grew up as a committed young woman in the house of God involving herself in many church activities as a leader and a counsellor for many years ministering to people, giving guidance and praying for them in person and over the phone.

She held many Cell-group outreaches, led and trained leaders under her, participated in major church programs and led many strategic evangelisms. Ratie attended and graduated from ministry Foundation School, she attended Counselling and many Leadership Trainings that equipped and encouraged her to go beyond serving in church but to also reach out to others by preaching the gospel and sharing enlightening knowledge about the importance of Personal Development.

Finding her Purpose was not a walk on the red carpet like she thought, her maturing to being the woman she is today was not an easy journey.

After she gave birth to her daughter everything around her changed, growing up in the house of God Ratie had high expectations about her life, her desire was to do everything right in the eyes of God.

She believed that in everything she did or involved herself in there wasn’t supposed to be anything that goes wrong, she was a "no wrong" child of God but well even David was not perfect yet he was a man after God’s heart. God loved him in-spite of his wrong doing not to say it was ok for him to do wrong but because God had chosen him to lead the people of Israel as a King because he feared God.

Ratie was introduced to the reality of life, she had to understand that life in general is not all about talking, praying, confessing, counseling people and doing ministry activities only there is more to life. It felt like she was dreaming when she began to experience the reality of life outside ministry since she has always been in the house of God serving all the time.

Her journey is a book to write about, she had to find herself outside her spiritual parents a little bit like a prodigal son, situations of life pulled her out of her spiritual paradise into the wilderness a little.

There things began to happen, everything in and around her went jedavu. Ratie suffered from Stress, Anxiety, Low-Self Esteem, Insecurities and Depression. Thank God she was strong in faith rooted and grounded in God’s word, in all the challenges she faced she navigated her way out trials because she depended on God at all times in all situations and she still is depending on him more.

Nothing was clear in her life to finding her specific Purpose on her journey, she struggled to settle Emotionally, Mentally, Physically, Socially, Materially and Financially for a very long time.

Having to go through all different kinds of challenges she only had two options either give up her life or find her Purpose regardless. Thank God Spiritually she was strong, she had no any other option but to search deep within herself and find her Purpose regardless of the conditions she was in.

Today we are talking about a woman who inspires, empowers and impacts other people with the Gospel, a woman who is Strong, Influential, Humble, full of God’s Love, Kind, God fearing, Responsible and Discipline.

Ratie is indeed a Proverbs 31 woman in the making, she is a Mother, a Pastor, a Writer, a Counsellor and a Businesswoman who ministers and influences others with the God's Word.

She shares Daily Inspirations under the influence of the Holy Spirit called An Inspiration For You, she is still on her journey of Becoming and Fulfilling her Purpose by helping others discover theirs too and help them overcome obstacles of life like she did by sharing enlightening knowledge on personal growth. 

Ratie discovered that she has a gift of writing as the Holy Spirit revealed to her and she is currently in the process of writing a book that we look forward to reading in the near future.

She is a virtuous woman and a Global Gospel Influencer in the making.

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About Ratie Shalom: About
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