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GRATITUDE FRIDAY - 26 April 2024

Psalm 100:4 NIV

Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name.

Gratitude fills you with peace, joy, and praise Royal, as a grateful person you always look forward to more blessings and testimonies without considering challenges. Through Gratitude, you constantly stay in the atmosphere of Praise, where you don't need to enter his gates to thank him because He already dwells in you fully, wherever you are you can thank God the way you want.

A Grateful person doesn't give room to complain, jealousy, envy, grudge, criticism, and fear their focus is on the goodness of God in all situations and how to thank him.

Choose to live a life of Gratitude, it's peaceful and joyful in the presence of God. #GratitudeIsPeaceful

It's Gratitude, Friday Royal!

What are you Grateful to God for this week? There's so much to Praise and Thank Him for, count your blessings and celebrate. #BeGrateful

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