Haggai 2:9-12 NIV
'The glory of this present house will be greater than the glory of the former house,’ says the Lord Almighty. ‘And in this place I will grant peace,’ declares the Lord Almighty.”
The Glory of yesterday can't sustain your today's progress, Royal, every day is an opportunity to demonstrate different dimensions and levels of the Glory of God through your growth. You can celebrate your yesterday's achievements but don't forget that is not all there's still more for you. #MoreGlory
Every day is an opportunity for you to experience new Glory and new growth in everything you do and that new Glory comes with the unending Peace of God. The Glory of your latter house shall be greater than the former, expect new Glory in every work you do. #NewGloryEveryday
Happy New Week Royal!
#MoreIncreasedGloryDaily #NewGrowth #NewAchievments #NewLevelsEveryDay #ProgressDaily #NewDimensionsEveryDay