Maintaining is better than starting from scratch Royal, only you knows the struggles you went through to get to where you are now. #Maintain
You know the struggles of not having, the struggles of admiring and wishing you had as well as the struggles of starting what you have never done.
After all you went through you want to come and tell me you are tired, you have lost interest, you don't feel it anymore, it doesn't excite you or you think you don't have all it takes? #YouAreNotGoingBack
I think the only challenge you have now is not being able to maintain what you already have and making sure it grows to even more greater levels. #MaintainIt
Maintaining what God gave you is your responsibility not his, you are to make sure you stay on track, constantly monitor your progress, know your needs and wants, check where you need to do some fixing, mending and corrections were necessary.
Maintain yourself Spiritually, Mentally, Physically, Emotionally, Materially, Financially and Socially that's what you are lacking. You don't have any problem at all Royal, learn to maintain your gifts.