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GRATITUDE FRIDAY - 3 November 2023

Colossians 3:15 NIV

Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful.

Gratitude to God constantly restores your inner peace and encourages you to be strong and focused at all times Royal. Through your Gratitude you become unshakable, you see opportunities for promotions in trying times. #BeGrateful

Be Grateful for your journey, embrace it, and find comfort in the Holy Spirit who directs you always. Take some time to look at all the great things the Lord has done for you, the obstacles you have faced, and how they have shaped you and all the victories you have won you will see that the Lord your God loves you dearly. #BeGratefulToGod

It's Gratitude, Friday Royal!

What are you Grateful To God For?

Count your blessings name them all and thank your Heavenly Father for encouraging you to keep going at all times. There's more for you so stay encouraged, and let the peace of God dwell in you richly.

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