James 1:17 NIV
Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.
An enemy can't give you a good gift out of a good heart Royal, if they do it is a trap to make you fall into more trouble. It's your Heavenly Father that gives good and perfect gifts from above and when he does he wants you to be Grateful and satisfied with them no matter how big or small they can be.
Be Grateful and happy with your blessings don't say “But it is small, I wish I had more, I wish I lived like so and so.” Be satisfied with your good gifts from God as you do He will bless you with more. #BeGratefulToGod
It's Gratitude, Friday Royal!
What are you Grateful to God for this week? No blessing is small, and no blessing from God is ugly. Every good and perfect gift is from above be Grateful and satisfied with what he blesses you with more is coming.
#AnInspirationForYou #WithRatieShalom #FridayInspiration #DailyInspirations #GratitudeFriday #GratitudeMood #Grateful