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"I don't think this gratitude practice works because I have been trying my best to thank God for the little blessings he gives me and to thank those around me but I can't see or feel it's impact, the more I appreciate people the more I feel stupid. I can't be saying thank you to everyone as if I don't think, I can't do it myself or I'm a failure."

That's exactly the problem Royal, pride, lack of faith, secret ungrateful attitude, pride, bitterness, ego and a negative mindset is the cause of ineffectiveness in your #Gratitude

How do you appreciate God with a complaining heart? How do you appreciate him when you are angry, bitter, jealous and ungrateful? How will you appreciate others when you are full of pride?

Your Gratitude will only be effective when you change your state of #Mind Royal. Be aligned to the Spirit of God, get rid of anything that corrupts your attitude towards God and men. #BeCleanFromTheInside

God is working on you, he is teaching you his ways of doing things not your ways so cheer up he wants the best for you. You are better now right? Do it again results will surely manifest because you are learning how to do it God's way.

It's Gratitude Friday Royal! What are you Grateful to God for this week?

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