I remember some time back on one of a business meeting I had with a beautiful Jewish lady who later became my business partner, after the meeting we had some time to talk getting to know each other better we spoke about different belief systems, what we do etc.
When I spoke about preaching she looked at me and said, "Tell me something do you get paid for doing what you do?" I remember smiling back at her thinking of what God has done for me I said to her, "God has done so much for me and he still does the only way I can show how much I appreciate him and how much I am grateful for what he is doing for me apart from saying "Thank You" is to share the gospel to others."
Royal you have always been a beneficiary of blessings since you were brought into this world now that you have grown and you see more of God's hand in your life how can you show your #Gratitude to your Heavenly Father? How can you express your Gratitude even to men?
It's Gratitude Friday Royal! What are you #GratefulToGod for? You can offer a service by helping someone without expecting a pay back as your #Gratitude to God.