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GRATITUDE FRIDAY - 23 August 2024

John 6:11 NLT

Then Jesus took the loaves, gave thanks to God, and distributed them to the people. Afterward, he did the same with the fish. And they all ate as much as they wanted.

Jesus is a great example to learn from Royal, he was a man of love, compassion, and of the word. He was not only a talker but a doer of the word, a man of action, and a demonstrator of what he taught always. #ActOnTheWord

After teaching the word and healing the sick he expressed his Gratitude by feeding the people without panicking about where the food would come from to feed 5000 people. He was not moved by numbers but by what he had to do to express his Gratitude for serving lives while demonstrating the power of God. #DontLookAtTheNumbers

Your Gratitude to God should not only be speaking words but also doing the word. You can give and serve to express your Gratitude to God by giving your time, giving your money, and serving as Jesus did. He didn't sit down and say “I have taught the word, healed the sick, and multiplied the food so let me sleep I'm tired,” instead he also distributed which means he was part of everything that happened that day. #TakePart

What are you Grateful to God for this week?

Show your Gratitude to God for what he has done for you by becoming part of the blessing through your giving and serving. #BeGratefulToGod

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