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GRATITUDE FRIDAY - 21 April 2023

"How long must I go through all these sharpening challenges before I get to my peace of mind destination?"

You may be asking yourself this question each time you hit your leg on the rock of a challenge well, as long as you haven't gotten to a level where God wants you to be challenges will still come. Besides even at your peace of mind destination there still will be challenges depending on the level you will be in then and the level God would want you to be in because #Growth has no end.

If you are honest with yourself Royal you will notice that all the challenges you are facing now are because as per God's plan about your life you haven't arrived yet. Be Grateful to God for that push, that discomfort and challenges all are there to bring out the #You that God has on his picture of your life.

It's Gratitude Friday! What are you Grateful to God?

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