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GRATITUDE FRIDAY - 2 September 2022

Don't be in the category of people who use Gratitude for show off and bragging. Your Royalty is dressed with humility to your Heavenly Father and to men he created.

Testimony and Gratitude are not the same so don't confuse them Royal. Gratitude is who you are, what you live in and practice daily by humbly appreciating God for being so good to you and appreciating others who contributes to your growth.

Your Grateful heart is the reason you will keep receiving more and more blessings that will also cause you to testify of his Greatness. #BeGratefulToGod

Count your blessings and celebrate his goodness in your privacy Royal, unless the Spirit of God that directs you into all truth instructs you to publicly do so to inspire others and to show forth his Greatness. #CountYourBlessings


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