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You don't only thank God because of the things that he has done for you after you have prayed Royal, you thank him even before you receive and that is called #Faith in your Heavenly Father.

You may be asking yourself, "How come I pray but I don't receive answers to my prayers, I have asked for many things but I don't get answers. I'm tired, I'm hurt and I don't care anymore."

Kindly permit me to ask this question Royal, "Whom do you pray to? When you pray what do you say, in your asking how will be the status of your #Mind and again after praying do you believe in the one whom you have sent your requests to? Do you express your #Gratitude after prayer?

Gratitude to your Heavenly Father is your surrender of #Faith to him with understanding Royal, it is through your pure #Gratitude that God reveals his insights that gives you access to abundance of blessings.

Notice I said #Pure meaning your #Heart has to be clean, you can't ask God for blessings with a heavy heart, with envy or jealousy, with a grudge, because you want to show off, to prove a point or out of wrong intentions. The question is what is the #Purpose of your requests to God?

It's Gratitude Friday Royal! What are you Grateful To God for this week?

Count your blessings, celebrate your now blessings and the ones ahead.

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