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GRATITUDE FRIDAY - 17 November 2023

Proverbs 15:31-32 GNT

If you pay attention when you are corrected, you are wise. If you refuse to learn, you are hurting yourself. If you accept correction, you will become wiser.

Living in Gratitude calms your Spirit and opens your heart and your spiritual eyes to see your wrongs and correct them without taking offense or developing a negative attitude toward God and others. #GratitudeCalmsYou

God loves it when you show Gratitude not only when he has done you well but also when he is correcting you or sending the right people your way to give you Godly directions. #GratitudeCorrects

Be Grateful to God for his word and those around you who love you enough to open up and boldly tell you when you are wrong. Through your gratitude, you open your heart and accept corrections with a calm Spirit. #BeGratefulToGod

Your journey will not be all rosy every time it's not only physical blessings that you must celebrate and be happy for, but you must also thank God for spiritual blessings. You may say: “My week was hectic, people were against me, and even God himself didn't protect me.” Well, Calm your Spirit down, listen to the Holy Spirit, and allow him to show you your wrongs for you to correct them. #AcceptCorrection

It's Gratitude, Friday Royal! What are you Grateful to God for this week?

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