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GRATITUDE FRIDAY - 15 December 2022

Luke 16:10 (KJV) He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much: and he that is unjust in the least is unjust also in much.

You are tested almost everyday in all areas of your life Royal, do you know you have been tested in your area of finances, your patience, your temper, your leadership, your entrusted responsibilities and all other things you have ever been involved in.

Throughout the journey have you been #Grateful and #Faithful Royal? If you can be Grateful and Faithful in the little you have been entrusted with get ready for more blessings.. #ItsTimeForMore

Gratitude teaches you to be #Faithful and in that faithfulness you receive access to more blessings, be Grateful at all times and in all seasons.

It's Gratitude Friday in this Thanksgiving season what are you Grateful to God for? Count your blessings #Celebrate

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