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Have you imagined yourself walking on a royalty carpet your entire life because of your good works? Each morning you wake up with a Grateful heart God simply prepares you for all your movements and commands angels to unroll a red carpet for you to walk on it to your opportunities and gives you the ability to win in all of them. #YouAreBornToReign

Well, that's not a lullaby story that I'm telling you to make you feel good so that you can sleep on problems and dream about unicorns until the next day to start all over in the reality of the same pressure again. #GodIsTheRealDeal

God is a Spirit and this has always been his idea about your life hence he said In the Book of Revelation 1:6 KJV And hath made us kings and priests unto God and his Father; to him be glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen. You won't understand this using your senses because this is the language of the Spirit, your spiritual eyes must be open for you to understand and see how amazing God is in your life. #BeGrateful

Your Gratitude to God causes you to rein where ever you go in humility and it unfolds opportunities and grants you the ability to excel in all of them.

What are you Grateful To God For This Week Royal? Count your blessings and celebrate.

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