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An Inspiration For You - Wednesday 8 February 2023

If you know the pain of not having you will understand the importance of having, if you know the pain of being challenged you will understand the importance of winning and if you know the pain of being hungry for your own success and the pain of fulfilling your own purpose you will have no good reason to make any excuse Royal.

Hunger will cause you to sleep less, pray more, work more, and brain storm a lot. It's that kind of hunger that leads you to big ideas, that pushes you to seeing every human as God's special creature and the light of the world. A hunger that challenges you to be the better version of #YOU for yourself and for others. #BeHungryForIt

There is no good enough reason to make an excuse about your Purpose when you are hungry for it Royal, something must be burning from the inside for you to do what you are doing and it's very ok to feel that fire of success as long as it pleases God and benefits his people.

Knock every door of big opportunities in all fields they will open for you because JESUS said so. No matter the challenges don't make excuses Royal make that Vision a reality God is in it.

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