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An Inspiration For You - Wednesday 5 April 2023

Every good thing you want in life you got to #Pay the sacrifice for it Royal, it may not be currency that you use to pay but you got to pay anyways.

Anything you get for free can never be of value or important to you, the interesting part is that there's surely nothing for free in life including free gifts are paid for if not by you definitely by someone else.

You have to pay a sacrifice for what you want in order to #Value it or see it's worth, it may not be currency that you use to pay but you have to pay using any of the following the bottom line is you have to #Pay

There are many sacrifices to pay:

Sacrifice of Prayer

Sacrifice of Fasting

Sacrifice of Time

Sacrifice of Energy

Sacrifice of Mind

Sacrifice of Reading

Sacrifice of Money

Sacrifice of Pain

Sacrifice of Tears

Sacrifice of Labor

Sacrifice of Seeding etc.

One way the or other you have to #Pay to #Value it Royal,

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