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An Inspiration For You - Wednesday 26 October 2022

Have you ever been to a place and felt like you are lost? Have you ever stepped on ground and felt like it's rejecting you? How about walking into a place and felt you don't belong there? Or as you walk you feel like the world is looking and yelling at you??

Listen Royal you are not cursed at all it's just that you are taking long to accept CHANGE, you are taking long to move in to your Home of Success. The only way you can maybe respond is when pressure hit you hard such that you will be left with no choice but to MOVE by FAITH.

The environment is letting you know it can't handle your Greatness anymore, you have to move to another better environment that can accommodate your Grace, your Glory, your Anointing and your Success.

Don't Self-pity yourself, don't doubt or fear anything just MOVE Royal, don't let the environment force you out. #Move

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