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An Inspiration For You - Wednesday 26 June 2022

One of the things that differentiates God from men is the kind of things he makes you do that ordinary men can not.

If you go with Mr easy every time you will get used to using your own ability when doing things, you will feel because you can do it you don't need to depend on God or anyone the sad thing is that you won't experience the signs and wonders of the power of God.

God doesn't give you a Vision, Assignment or a Task that you can easily do by yourself. If it isn't making you have some sleepless nights yet or give you some goosebumps ask him again. God doesn't also compete with anyone or try prove to the world that he is God, His works speak for themselves and they call many to him.

Don't go with easy Royal your Faith and the Love for God won't grow. Go for what is bigger than you but not bigger than God. #Faith

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