Matthew 9:37 NIV
Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.”
Don't be counted among those who don't want to stretch themselves, break out of their shells, and come out of their comfort zone Royal. You are a laborer who is called by God to do extraordinary things, break the record, do the impossible, and do what others think is hard to achieve. #YouAreCalled
There is harvest for everything everywhere, if you don't see results, see impact, see progress, get a response, see growth or expansion you are in the wrong field. Go to the field where your labor will be valuable. #GoToTheRightField
Not everyone is willing to do the work that can separate them from the crowd or distinguish them, so you too don't be among them. As you pray for laborers be part of that laborer, be unique, and do great things without making any excuses. #TheHarvestIsPlenty