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An Inspiration For You - Wednesday 17 May 2023

Hosea 4:6 KJV

My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: (Check it in your bible)

"Close your eyes a bit and reflect Royal, be honest with yourself as you do this ok! How many times have you done things without understanding why you have to do them?" I guess its countless times right?

You do it at work because you are concerned about the bills you have to pay and family you must feed at home, you do it because those in authority over you tell you to do so, you do it because everyone else is doing so and you do it because you are told it is the right thing to do, that's how it should be or it's the culture.

One of the reasons you don't experience impact of growth in your life spiritually, mentally, emotionally, financially, materially, physically, socially etc. is because you don't have a clear understanding of it's benefits in you, how it glorifies God and how it impacts your world.

Understanding this will help you know the importance of God's role in your life, why you must pray, study the word, talk the word, act the word, educate yourself, be passionate, affirm, go to work, run your business, talk to someone about Jesus Christ, build relationships etc... Know the #Purpose of doing the things you do.

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