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An Inspiration For You - Wednesday 17 August 2022

I am sure you have heard several times Preachers, Motivational or Public speakers, Teachers and other expects talk about the importance of positive thinking or mindset.

For everything to make sense to you first understand how the mind operates, why it is very important for you to control what you allow to enter into your Mind.

Frustration, grudges, unforgiveness, anger, bitterness, fear, depression, anxiety and negative energy are all triggered by the thoughts that dominates your mind. #ProtectYourMind

God gave us a unique gift of the MIND to produce fruitfulness and to exercise our authority in controlling the thoughts we should allow in and out of our Minds as well as to create what we want like he did according to his will. #UniqueMind

Be Conscious of the thoughts you allow on your Mind Royal.

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