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An Inspiration For You - Wednesday 17 April 2024

John 9:7 NKJV

And He said to him, “Go, wash in the pool of Siloam” (which is translated, Sent). So he went and washed, and came back seeing.

You will not become what you desire to be by imagination without effort to cause that change, Royal. The Lord wants you to be in partnership with him in working your miracle. #DontFoldYourHands

Imagine after Jesus had put mud on this man’s eyes and said to him go and wash in the pool instead of washing the man started shouting at Jesus and complaining that he must take him to the pool what do you think would have happened?

God wants you to be part of your blessing, not just a receiver of blessings without an effort. Do what the Lord instructs you to do for your miracle to take place. For Jesus to turn dirty water into wine he told them to fill the jars with water (John 2:1-11), again Naamam who had leprosy 2 Kings 5 was instructed by Prophet Elisha to go and wash himself in the Jordan River 7 times to be cured. From these three stories in the Bible, you learn that you have a role to play in working your miracle. #DoYourPart

What is the Lord instructing you to do for your business to grow, for your vision to expand, for your clients to buy your products, for your promotion to take place, for you to grow Spiritually, Mentally, Materially, Emotionally, Financially, Physically Materially and Socially? #BeInPartnershipWithTheLord

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