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An Inspiration For You - Wednesday 10 April 2024

John 14:14 NKJV

If you ask anything in My name, I will do it.

There are no limitations as to what you must ask the Lord for Royal, He said if you ask ANYTHING that means as long as it is in his name he will do it for you. He has given you access to his name you don't need to beg or ask for permission from anyone to do it on your behalf you can personally ask because you have access to him. #YouAreHisOwn

You may say “I have been asking but he is not answering me,” the question is are you asking in his name and do you believe you will receive as you ask? If you are asking in doubt that means you don't believe in the word that he has said to you, Royal. #BelieveInHim

There is simplicity and power in the words of Jesus, there is nowhere he said sweat, pay, beg, cry, force, bribe, manipulate, lie, pretend, scam for you to receive what you want in life he said ASK in his Name so ASK it is as simply as that, don't make things complicated for you. All you need is your Faith in the Lord, He is a man of his word ask him in His name and stop struggling. #ASK

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