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An Inspiration For You - Tuesday 9 August 2022

The day you were announced "a Royal person is born" is the same day you became an enemy's target not because there's anything wrong with you but because of what you carry inside you.

It's not news so don't be shocked, the same day when Baby Jesus the Messiah was born Herod the king of Judea then already had evil plans against him but he failed. #NothingToFear

Don't display everything to everyone about your life carelessly in the name of we are very close, #Becareful not to hand yourself over to the enemy publicly. Have a discerning Spirit, open your Spiritual eyes to see through, you may ask "How do I see through?" Ask the Holy Spirit to guide you that's why he is with and in you he came for a reason.

The enemy plotting to destroy you is very close and laughs with you daily looking for what to use against you.

Be wise! Be smart! Be alert in Spirit!

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