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An Inspiration For You - Tuesday 9 April 2024

Ecclesiastes 11:4 GNT

If you wait until the wind and the weather are just right, you will never plant anything and never harvest anything.

“When I get the money, I will “

“When I get resources, I will ”

“When I get a sponsor, I will ”

“When, when” Doesn't that sound like procrastination, lack of boldness, and trust in God Royal? If you wait for things to get better For you to start the truth is that you may never start. If you observe the weather of life conditions you may never achieve your dreams. #PlantSeeds

The harvest of your business, job, organization, company, vision, etc depends on you planting seeds regardless of what the weather is like. Be driven by the results you want to see not by how circumstances are.

Don't look at the weather Royal, your harvest Is in those seeds.

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