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An Inspiration For You - Tuesday 28 March 2023

Every season is different Royal, often times seasons make you uncomfortable but there has to be a way for you to survive or stand in every #Season until the purpose of it fully takes place.

Your spiritual and mental immune system has to be strong and ready for every season Royal, when you get into a cold season of life the Holy Spirit will provide you with a blanket to keep you warm, when it rains he will give you an umbrella, and again when it get's too hot he will give you a shade or a fan to keep you cool. #Stand

No matter the season you may find yourself in the secret to keep you going is to have #Stamina to remain focused until the purpose of it is accomplished. Stand in every season Royal and #Focus on the change the season is bringing in you. #Evolving

You are in that season of #Change for your better tomorrow, Accept change, Welcome change, Change is here, make it a season for better.

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