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An Inspiration For You - Tuesday 27 September 2022

Investing in prayer is the fasted way to growth in every area of your life Royal, you can't be a prayerful Christian and remain the same. #Growth

Through prayer you receive solutions to every challenge you face, answers to every questions you get, ideas on how to increase your business or be outstanding in your work place, you receive wisdom to do extraordinary things, strength to keep going and courage to never give up. Prayer makes you spiritually, mentally, physically and emotionally sound. #InvestInPrayer

When you pray you receive guidance on what decisions to make or take, you become more sharp when dealing with almost everything in life.

A prayerful child of God is powerful and always ahead of everything. Be in his presence full time Royal, don't only pray when you feel like do it always and watch your life grow from one level to another. #PrayerMakesYouPowerful

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