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An Inspiration For You - Tuesday 27 June 2023

Psalm 126:1 KJV

When the Lord turned again the captivity of Zion, We were like them that dream.

It doesn't have to make sense before it can be turned into a testimony, God's way of doing things is not your way.

The journey will not be as smooth as you always thought but you are certainly going to get to the other side of it and when you do it will be like a dream. #BeStrongInside

Remember your hope is in God Royal, so you fix your eyes on that which is of a good report and don't let any condition discourage you from looking forward to your blessings.

Joy comes in the morning, don't panic everything is working together for your good. Keep your #Faith strong and trust your Heavenly Father with your #Destiny

Experiencing your blessing will be like a dream, don't lose #Hope Royal.

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