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An Inspiration For You - Tuesday 24 January 2023

If you are waiting for an approval to enter into an office that is yours then you will have to wait for ever because there's no one who is going to approve you instead that office will be occupied by someone else to run their own vision not the one that God gave you. #OccupyYourOffice

Unless you didn't hear from God Royal!

If the Vison that is on your table was planted by God in you then it can never fail, take away that doubt and begin to do your work. #Occupy

A project that you start with God and end it again with God is enjoyable and peaceful, you don't need to worry about the results you are guaranteed to succeed. #TakeYourPlace

Get into your office, pull out your chair and start working God will hold you accountable for that Vision if you don't fulfil your Purpose.

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