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An Inspiration For You - Tuesday 23 May 2023

Mark 12:31 NIV

The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’

How you love, treat, talk, think and see others is a reflection of how you actually treat yourself Royal.

You can't pray to God to bless you while on the other hand you badmouth others, God loves everyone including those that you say you don't like.

If you ctiticize someone's work, business, behavior, body, character, lifestyle, blessings etc. and it's what you don't have it will not come to you. On the other hand if it is lesser than what you have becareful it might soon reflect in your own life because the bible says you shall have what you say.

When you see that someone is not doing something right the least you can do is to #Pray for them with love.

What you criticize will not come to you Royal and the more you talk bad about others the more you chase away your own blessings.

Celebrate, Pray, Wish and Think well of others and watch your own life #Shine

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