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An Inspiration For You - Tuesday 2 May 2023

Men judge with the physical eyes but God judge with the spiritual eyes.

What you assume is half full may be half empty, this is very personal Royal only you knows how much effort you need to put in order to feed your Mind and your Spirit with the word of God and the knowledge you need to acquire for more growth. #GrowthIsPersonal

If you desire to grow be prepared to also sacrifice time to do what you have to do for your growth to be made manifest in you Royal.

When did you last read your Bible to understand and meditate on it?

When did you last read a book and apply the knowledge you learnt?

When did you last have an alone time in the presence of God?

Spiritual and Mental back up is important Royal, create more time and invest in your #Growth don't be too busy to attend to your spiritual being you may get carried away by many things and remain behind.

Upgrade your Spirit and your Mind.

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