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An Inspiration For You - Tuesday 19 July 2022

Have you ever visited a factory, a construction site or let me not go that far a bakery that makes all the nice goodies you always see displayed in the supermarket ready for you to buy?

There is labor in making than in buying or admiring the completed work. What keeps the people focused is the picture of the end result than the process hence they can stand for any challenge they may face, to them what matters is to get the work done and the benefits thereafter. #HaveThePicture

In all the beautiful things you see in life there's a construction side before you start seeing the attractive part of it. Yes, you will get dirty with cement, with flour, paint you name it but because you have the picture of the finished project or product in Mind you will endure the process.

When you have the picture already you will stay Focused, have the picture Royal.

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