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An Inspiration For You - Tuesday 17 September 2024

Philippians 4:19 AMP

And my God will liberally supply (fill until full) your every need according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.

Your worry now should not be where will the resources come from, where will the finances come from, or where to start, instead your worry should be, “Do I have enough room to contain all my supplied needs.” God has given you many things to do here on earth that will keep you busy, fruitful, and productive all the days of your life to fulfill your purpose, there is no time to worry about many things. Your focus should be on how to handle all that which God will keep supplying to you according to his riches. #YourNeedsAreMet

All your needs are met, Royal, the resources, finances, and people you need for your businesses, organization, career, ministry, etc, and for every goal you have set as led by the Spirit of God nothing shall be lacking. “Do you have enough space and Grace to handle all the riches that God will supply you with?”#GodShallSupply

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