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An Inspiration For You - Tuesday 16 May 2023

To listen during training is one thing but to practice what you have learnt is another Royal and there is no shortcut if you want to be the best student in the field you are being trained in. #PracticalIsKey

We live in a world that wants fast things, fast talk, fast knowledge and fast results without going through the right channel or the right training that can build faith, confidence and boldness in an individual to show that truly proper training was carried out.

You can't skip your practical in your training Royal you have to do it well as taught in order to qualify for your next level, the more you take shortcuts in life the more you delay your promotion. #DoThePractical

Your growth depends on that practical so #DoIt don't worry about making mistakes that's how you learn and perfect the abilities in you. Precious Holy Spirit is your teacher he will perfect your training so that you become the best #Student and make impact in your world. #Light

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