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An Inspiration For You - Thursday 9 February 2023

There are many yummy demanding things Royal that can occupy your attention not to say that they are not important, they may be but you have to sacrifice your attention to the Purpose that God called you for.

You may want to sacrifice but because of the fear of, "If I move what will they say? "I do want to participate on both but my attention can't be divided." Fear of moving on can be a stumbling block to your light.

“No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money. {Matthew 6 vs 24 NIV)

Life is about sacrifice Royal there are many yummy things you may want but you have to know when to have them and when not to have them. A purposeful life and Salvation comes with uncommon sacrifices one master will have to be sacrificed for another to survive you can't save them both. A goodbye to a master you have been attached to can be very difficult but you have to for the sake of your #Growth

"It's Yummy I want it but I can't have it." #SacrificeForYourPurpose

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