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An Inspiration For You - Thursday 6 October 2022

Understand this Royal someone can't buy you a gift and still unwrap it for you, same applies with God he can't give you gifts and still be the one to come down and unwrap them for you.

You already know you have soo much gifts inside you, listen no one will come and say "Hello you have gifts let me open them for you", no one will help you make use of your gifts unless you do it yourself.

Same applies with a pregnant woman when it's time to push out that baby it's time she can't negotiate it. One way the other the baby will have to come out either by natural birth or by scissor either way the baby must come out . #ItsTimeToUnwrapYourGift

There are many gifts wrapped inside of you Royal, Ideas, callings, global visions, businesses you name it all for you to unwrap and make use of to benefit you, your family and the world. #UnwrapIt

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