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An Inspiration For You - Thursday 6 April 2023

The only challenge you have is that you panic and doubt Royal, if only you can strengthen your #Faith and trust God more you will be fine.

Look back from the challenges of the past, did you not come out victoriously, didn't God help you? I think you are allowing yourself to be carried away by the pressure of life, if only you can trust him and stop stressing about many things. Trust #God as he lead you.

You may ask, "Can't he use a shorter way to my blessing?" Well, if he wanted to he would but that won't help #You who is walking the journey because you have many things to learn along the way that will help you to sustain your blessing.

Stop comparing yourself to others your journey is specifically designed for you for a reason. Trust the one who is leading you that's your Heavenly Father and you will be amazed at the outcome. #TrustGod

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