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An Inspiration For You - Thursday 5 October 2023

1 John 4:4 NIV

You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world.

You are born of God meaning you are just like your Heavenly Father, think of the universe and how beautiful it is, think of how God used his creative Mind to create every living thing and the precious you until he then said, “Everything is very good,” then he gave himself time to rest, look at the beauty of everything he made and to enjoy the presence of his creativity. #YouAreLikeHim

In the time he was creating no demon could stop him because the idea was in his mind only He knew the kind of picture he wanted and the same God has assured you that you have already overcome every obstacle, every demon, and every opposition against you because the one who created the universe the Master himself, the owner of the power of your Mind lives inside you. How can you fail?

You have the creative Mind of Christ, once you have something in your mind you can bring it into manifestation Royal, there is nothing to fear at all. That is why you need to watch what you allow into your powerful creative mind where everything begins.

There is no idea you can think of that is backed up by the Spirit of God that will ever fail because you are like your Father.

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