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An Inspiration For You - Thursday 4 August 2022

How often do you plan your day Royal? Did you know that when you plan for your day you become more Focused, Productive and Conscious of everything you do and the time you spend. #PlanYourDay

Chances are very slim for you to be frustrated or distracted by anything or anyone when you plan your day. Yes, they may be unexpected challenges here and there but because you planned the Holy Spirit guides you with his wisdom on how to navigate your way out.

A Royal who plans for his or her day cannot be easily carried away by unplanned activities, favors or anything that can take him or her away from the Vision of Possible and Doable on time.

What to do? When to do it? How to do it? are very important when starting your day in partnership with the Vision of successful projects in mind. #SeeIt

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