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An Inspiration For You - Thursday 30 March 2023

Ok, so what's with the long face now? Put a smile on your face and change your mood Royal, don't you know a long face can make you look older than your age and it can also make your presence tense now you wonder why people don't want to be around you. #Smile

Train your self to live a happy life storms or no storms #BeHappy the enemy doesn't need to know if his attacks are working or not besides they mean nothing at all because the word says:

James 1:2-4 NKJV My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing.

Don't pretend to be happy just be happy, happiness attracts favor, blessings, it opens doors of opportunities and creates a positive atmosphere around you. #HappinessIsGodly

That doesn't mean there won't be challenges, challenges will always come but you have to be on top of your game Royal your happiness shouldn't be compromised.

Learn to live a happy life don't fake it LIVE IT, keep your happiness switch button ON always. No more long face be happy even if it is for no reason because God wants you to be happy at all times.

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