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An Inspiration For You - Thursday 3 August 2023

Isaiah 45:3 KJV And I will give thee the treasures of darkness, and hidden riches of secret places, that thou mayest know that I, the Lord, which call thee by thy name, am the God of Israel.

Interestingly verse 3 says the treasures of darkness the question is have you asked God to show you where is that darkness and if you find it will you be brave to get in and take your treasures?

God loves you so much Royal, and he wants you to live in abundance lacking nothing, all he wants from you is your availability. If you can pay attention to his word without doubting him and thinking about what will people say if you get into that dark side only to get your treasures you will be ok otherwise I will tell you this, it will be a long journey for you to get to your riches because of doubt.

This doesn't mean you must get involved in the wrong things like stealing, killing, fibbing, prostitution, human trafficking, or doing any kind of evil to get money or get into the secret society that does all kinds of ugly and evil things to make money.

God can give you an idea of what to do to make money and in the eyes of men because they don't understand they won't get it. How do you explain Matthew 17: 24-27 the case of Jesus sending Peter to go catch the first fish and get a coin out of it, he specifically said “The First Fish.” What If he tells you that the animal you see daily has diamonds inside will you believe him? How will you get them without killing that animal? God wants you to learn #HowToMakeMoney smart so listen to him.

Write HOW TO MAKE MONEY in big letters print it out and paste it where ever you will see it or write it where you will be able to read it daily which will remind you to ask God for ideas and solutions. That alone will change your mindset and again you won't give room to negative drama because you are #Focused

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