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An Inspiration For You - Thursday 26 January 2023

Updated: Jan 27, 2023

Royal think of the time you waste or have wasted by either procrastinating or complaining at all times, moving up and down doing nothing the whole day or just seating and watching those who are at least doing something while you on the other hand are the judge of their efforts. #BeWise

Time is a special Gift from God and it waits for no one at all so use it wisely. You can't reverse the time that you have wasted so far but you can make use of the one that you have now. #UseTime

You can't say "I have plenty of time to do nothing," there are so many productive things you can do for God, for yourself and for others. #DoSomething

Time is a Gift, Time is Precious, Time is Irreversible, Time is a currency. Manage your time to avoid unnecessary regrets later, make your every second breath count.

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