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An Inspiration For You - Thursday 25 January 2024

Proverbs 3:13-14

Blessed are those who find wisdom, those who gain understanding, for she is more profitable than silver and yields better returns than gold.

Leadership requires you to be a prayerful person, Royal, to accomplish the assignment that God has given you will seem to be hard for you if you try to use your power. To be an effective leader requires you to be prayerful, patient, and attentive to the Spirit of God so that you can receive strategies that can help to make the work move with speed. #PrayForWisdom

Functioning in the Spirit of wisdom is more profitable, it makes the work easier when dealing with people. If you feel like giving up think of people like Moses, Joseph, Apostles, and Jesus Christ himself. Imagine if they gave up would they have accomplished their assignment? #BeStrong

Don't use emotions to lead others Royal, ask God for wisdom and understanding to make the work easy #AskForTheSpiritOfWisdom

Wisdom and Understanding make things easy.

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