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An Inspiration For You - Thursday 23 March 2023

There's a way that God wants you to live Royal and you can only get guidance from his #Word as your light to make right decisions. Holy Spirit is the best teacher of self-control, no matter how satisfying, how nice and manipulative things around you may be if it's not according to the will of God for you Don't do it. #SelfControl

Have a picture of the life you want to live based on the word of God and begin to live in it, God's plan for you is of good not evil Royal. To live a fruitful and productive life that displays the virtues of Christ is God's will for your life. #YouRepresentGod

Teach yourself to live your life according to his will whether it convenience or inconvenience you remember you don't own yourself God himself does therefore you can't just live anyhow, dress anyhow, talk anyhow, walk anyhow, mingle anyhow or do things anyhow.

In everything you involve yourself in before taking action ask yourself this: "Is it according to the will of God for me?"

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