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An Inspiration For You - Thursday 22 August 2024

Psalm 37:3 NIV

Trust in the Lord and do good; dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture.

If you are waiting for a better tomorrow to enjoy your life you are already missing a lot, Royal, your better time is now. Every day of your life has a story to tell, something to learn, something to unlearn, something to experience and enjoy, so if you are waiting for some special occasion for you to enjoy life in the land you dwell in you are robbing yourself of your enjoyment. #EnjoyNow

Let every day count, trust your Heavenly Father with your life as you do good to yourself and others. Enjoy every moment of your life here on earth because you are the blessing to enjoy and a beneficiary of many other blessings, don't wait for another day, enjoy your now every day is special. #YouAreTheBlessingToEnjoy

Embrace your journey, and enjoy your life as it unfolds, your yesterday can only leave you with memories so make sure that each day ends with great memories. Dwell in the land and enjoy a safe pasture, stop saving your life for one day, you are the happening event enjoy every moment of it. #YouAreSpecial

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