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An Inspiration For You - Thursday 21 September 2023

Psalms 119:148 NIV

My eyes stay open through the watches of the night, that I may meditate on your promises.

Your silence to God is communication too, sometimes you don't need to voice out words, shout, or make all manner of noise to be heard by him your #Quietness is all he needs.

God wants to have time with you, he wants to feel the quiet moving sound of your Mind, your heartbeat, and your whole body responding to his Spirit quietly.

Your silence shouldn't be thinking about the problems and all the worries of this world but the silence of communicating with God, creating, worshiping, and expressing yourself quietly to your Heavenly Father peacefully.

You can go out to a quiet place or in the night on your bed before your deep sleep, relax your Mind, calm your body forget about all the noise of challenges, and communicate with God in silence. #Meditation

Have some quality time with God without shouting and making all manner of noise He can hear you even in your silence.

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