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An Inspiration For You - Thursday 21 July 2022

Have you ever observed that when you get into your car to drive somewhere the moment you start it without putting on the seatbelt it notifies you?

How about in your own home have you ever noticed each time you open or close the door it makes some irritating noise continuously until you put oil at the back of it by it's joints then it stops.

It's the same with you Royal, the reason why you are not yet comfortable is because you haven't entered into your Royalty riches you are still on your journey, the discomfort is temporal focus on getting to your Comfortable.

That situation is telling you fix me first, like I always say; "Until you get to where God wants you to be that challenge will still be there," ask God for a solution then Comfortable in all areas of your life will be your everyday lifestyle. #FixItFirst

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