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An Inspiration For You - Thursday 20 July 2023

Matthew 9:37-38 KJV

Then saith he unto his disciples, The harvest truly is plenteous, but the laboures are few;

Pray ye, therefore, the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth laboures into his harvest.

You are finding it challenging to pick up your phone and make that call, to go out and talk to someone about Jesus, about your business, or about that special event that you know when that person attends their lives will change now because you don't want to be rejected you step back. #WorkRegardless

You feel scared to start the project that God instructed you to start but you deeply know that when you introduce it to the society, city, nation, and nations there will be #Light all because you fear being rejected #BeBold

If you are moved with compassion to do the work that you are called to do, it doesn't matter who says NO to you the work must still be done by you. Be among the few laboures that Lord Jesus mentioned Royal, that is why he said you should pray so that the right people may be sent to you. #Pray

You can't run the vision empty spiritually, It takes prayer to be accepted by the right people that God can change through you so #Pray for the people and also pray for yourself to be confident, bold, and courageous and to stand no matter the challenges you may face as you carry the work. #DoTheWorkWithBoldness

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